Friday, January 22, 2010

LEG. NEWS: Iowa - SF1 Autism Insurance bill and January 27, 2010 hearing

**Update 1/28/10: 12:30PM PST - Even though the notice below was posted at the committee page, a hearing WAS held in Iowa, and here is a link to the video from a newscast which includes broadcast of that meeting.. 
There may be a commercial ad before the video plays. Apologies for the conflicting information.


**Update 1/27/10, 4:30 PM PST - a notice at the Senate Commerce Commmittee page announced that the subcommittee hearing scheduled for today was cancelled. See announcements at Autism Votes for rescheduling of any committee events related to Iowa SF1.**

Autism Votes has posted an announcement that the autism insurance reform bill which was carried over from the 2009 legislative session,

Iowa SF1:A bill for an act requiring certain group health insurance policies, contracts, or plans to provide coverage for autism spectrum disorders for certain persons, requiring certification of behavior specialists, and providing an applicability date.

is still active in the Iowa legislature and is scheduled for a hearing in the
Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Wednesday, January 27pm CST.
The stated business of the meeting, according to the Iowa legislative website is "discussion of SF1".

For more details on the meeting and other action items related to this legislation,
see the Iowa page at Autism Votes.

Of special interest to behavior analysts, 
"Applied behavior(al) analysis" is defined in the bill.

Applied behavior(al) analysis is placed within "Rehabilitative care" and defined to be "professional services treatment programs, including applied behavioral analysis, provided by an autism service provider to produce socially significant improvement in human behavior or to prevent loss of attained skill or function."

SF1 also defines the certification and competencies of "Behavior specialists", stating
a "'Behavior specialist' means an individual, certified by the commissioner, who designs, implements, or evaluates a behavior modification intervention component of a treatment plan, including those based on applied behavioral analysis, to produce socially significant improvements in human behavior or to prevent loss of attained skill or function, through skill acquisition and the reduction of problematic behavior,
and that,
"The commissioner, in consultation with the board of medicine, shall adopt rules providing for the certification of behavior specialists..."

The full text of SF1 further specifies the application and conditions of certification as a "Behavior Specialist". Please consult that full text for the information.

For more information
Autism Votes - Iowa

Iowa SF1

Iowa General Assembly

ABA Chapters for/in Iowa
Heartland Association for Behavior Analysis

Iowa Association for Behavior Analysis

Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis
Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG
Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or individual SIG member authors and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed
to their website

Thursday, January 21, 2010

MEETING: International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)

A scholarly meeting which may not be widely attended by those in behavior analysis, but may be of interest, especially to those who work in the area of autism treatment, is the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), which is the annual meeting for the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR). Many widely known experts in the field of autism research, such as Geraldine Dawson, Sally Rogers, Tristam Smith, Catherine Lord, Deborah Fein, and others present at IMFAR.

The 2010 meeting is being held in Philadelphia, PA.  The IMFAR website reports that registration for the 2010 conference is scheduled to open on February 19, 2010.

International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR)
May 20 - 22, 2010
Marriott Hotel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

To give an idea of some of what one might be able to take in and the themes of some of the presentations, a limited selection of presentations, including some by behavior analytic researchers, from the 2009 IMFAR is given below. The work by a University of Connecticut research group studying the characteristics of "optimal outcome" children with ASDs was given wide press coverage, including the story (see below) by NBC's Today Show during IMFAR 2009.
Video clip from Today (there may be an ad preceding the clip)

Other IMFAR 2009 presentations and posters

Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG
Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or individual SIG member authors and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed
to their website

LEG NEWS: West Virginia SB 145 & HB 2858 Autism Insurance Coverage

With the state legislative season started, new autism insurance mandate bills continue to come online, and
West Virginia also has two bills in the legislature related to insurance coverage and potentially coverage of applied behavior analytic services to children with ASD.
The language of SB 145 is broad and non-specific as to specific coverage, stating under,
§33-16-18. Autism spectrum disorder full coverage.
     A group or blanket accident of health insurance policy or issuing a group or blanket policy for delivery in this state which provides coverage for hospital, surgical, or medical care coverage shall include full coverage for the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder, regardless of whether such prevention, early detection, diagnosis or treatment methods are research based or experimental. Each policy will also provide full (in-state or in-network) coverage for the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder even if the individual is unable to receive a service, or treatment, within the State of West Virginia and must receive this service, or treatment, from an out-of-state provider."
This bill has more detail on the nature of the coverage (see bill text for the full detail), and states
"(3) Coverage for behavioral therapy may not exceed a $50,000 maximum benefit per child per year.",

although "behavioral therapy" is not specified as applied behavior analysis, per se, and no definition of applied behavior analysis nor "behavioral therapy" is given in HB 2858. Provider, or competencies of the provider of "behavioral therapy" are not stated in the bill as filed.

For further information

Autism Votes West Virginia
(FYI: currently there is no info on the bills or legislative tracking, but that could change).

West Virginia Legislature bill status function

West Virginia legislature bill personalized bill tracking

Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG
Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or individual SIG member authors and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed
to their website

LEG NEWS: Updated list of Virginia autism insurance bills - Virginia HB 34, HB 303, SB 464 , and SB 649

**1/31/10 - Update to original post of 1/21/2010 to add HB 34; 
Virginia autism insurance bills to date are HB 34, HB 303SB 464, SB 649.

Health insurance; mandated coverage for autism spectrum disorder.  Requires health insurers, health care subscription plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder in individuals under age 21.

Esp. relevant to Behavior Analysts :
H.B. 34 [full text] defines "applied behavior analysis" and classifies applied behavior analysis for coverage under "Habilitative or rehabilitative care" meaning "professional, counseling, and guidance services and treatment programs, including applied behavior analysis, that are necessary to develop, maintain, and restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of an individual." Behavior analysts are not specified or identified as providers of applied behavior analysis nor are the competencies of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board specified.

Under "Treatment for autism spectrum disorder" as identified in a treatment plan and includes the
following care prescribed, provided, or ordered for an individual diagnosed with one of the autism spectrum disorders by a licensed physician, a licensed psychologist, or a licensed clinical social worker who determines the care to be medically necessary: (i) habilitative or rehabilitative care; (ii) pharmacy (iii) psychiatric care; (iv) psychological care; and (v) therapeutic care.  Other models of diagnosis, pharmacy, psychiatric,psychological, and therapeutic care, the providers are explicitly identified.

End of update #2**
**1/30/10 - Update to add an additional bill, which has multiple proposals, but also includes an insurance reform section:
Autism Tuition Assistance Grant Program established; mandated health insurance for autism.  Establishes a tuition assistance grant program for students with autism. The program provides grants of no more than $20,000 a year per student to a Virginia nonsectarian private school of choice for students identified as autistic and for whom individual education plans have been written.

Esp. relevant to Behavior Analysts :  - under,
130 § 38.2-3418.16. Coverage for autism spectrum disorder [full text page 3-5]

SB 649 [full text] defines "applied behavior analysis" and classifies applied behavior analysis for coverage under "Habilitative or rehabilitative care" meaning "professional, counseling, and guidance services and treatment programs, including applied behavior analysis, that are necessary to develop, maintain, and restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of an individual." Behavior analysts are not specified or identified as providers of applied behavior analysis nor are the competencies of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board specified.

Under "Treatment for autism spectrum disorder" as identified in a treatment plan and includes the
following care prescribed, provided, or ordered for an individual diagnosed with one of the autism spectrum disorders by a licensed physician, a licensed psychologist, or a licensed clinical social worker who determines the care to be medically necessary: (i) habilitative or rehabilitative care; (ii) pharmacy (iii) psychiatric care; (iv) psychological care; and (v) therapeutic care.  Other models of diagnosis, pharmacy, psychiatric,psychological, and therapeutic care, the providers are explicitly identified.
End of Update**
Two bills which would mandate insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorder have been introduced in the Virginia General Assembly,

Both bills describe that coverage, under certain types of policies, shall include diagnosis and treatment of ASD through the age of 9, although it does not preclude coverage over age of 10.

Esp. relevant to Behavior Analysts :
"Applied behavior analysis" is defined, and applied behavior analytic services are classified under the category of "habilitative or rehabilitative care".

Providers of applied behavior analysis are not defined nor are the competencies of the BACB certificants or similar included in the bills as filed.
For further information

Autism Votes - Virginia

Virginia General Assembly Legislative Information System

Virginia General Assembly

Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG
Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or individual SIG member authors and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed
to their website,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LEG NEWS: Massachusetts Behavior Analyst Licensure bills H. 181 & S.47

Massachusetts has two bills in progress in the legislature which would establish and define licensure of behavior analysts in that state.

The bills,
were introduced in January of 2009, and describe the composition of a new and independent Licensing Board, competencies and definitions of professional practice, titles,supervision, disciplinary standards, and inclusion of the profession of behavior analysis as a "Related Service Provider" relative to the provision of Special Education within the Commonwealth.

The bills were last listed in the legislative website's history as being reviewed by the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, and a public hearing was held September 23, 2009.

An organization that is a primary sponsor, and offered testimony on behalf of H.181/S. 47 is the Arc of Massachusetts, which is also tracking these bills' legislative progress on their website.

References and resources
General Court of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

State Update: State support for the practice of Applied Behavior Analysis

The Arc of Massachusetts Platform: 2009 Legislative Session (scroll to middle of the page)


Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or SIG members and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed to their website,

LEG NEWS: Vermont S.262 related to autism diagnosis and treatment introduced on January 5, 2010

**Update 1/26/10 - Autism Votes reports that S. 262 will be receiving a hearing in the Committee on Finance on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 and requests that those in support of the legislation contact their Vermont Senator and ask for support of the bill.
 Autism Votes - Vermont **
A new bill was recently introduced in the Vermont state legislature,
S.0262: An act relating to insurance coverage for autism diagnosis and treatment
(Senators Carris and Campbell).

S.262 was introduced on January 5, 2010 in the Vermont Senate, read one time and referred to the Committee on Finance.

In the bill text as introduced [pdf],
"Applied behavior analysis" is defined, and applied behavior analytic services are classified under the category of habilitative or rehabilitative care.

Competencies of the providers of applied behavior analytic services are not specified explicitly, nor are BACB certificants  identified. There is statement of an "Autism services provider" to mean any person providing treatment of autism spectrum disorders.

This bill was endorsed by Autism Speaks on January 13, 2010.

For more information:

Autism Votes - Vermont

The State of Vermont Legislature

Report to the Legislature to Address Services for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
January 2008
Recommendation for specification of competencies of behavior analysis service providers referenced on page 23 , and insurance coverage referenced on pages 1,5,31, 32, 34 -34

Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or SIG members and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed to their website,

ANNOUNCE: Informational website now online related to Behavior Analyst licensure in the state of Tennessee

There is a new website online,
"Behavior Analyst Portal for Licensure in Tennessee",
with a stated aim.
"to house information related to licensure for Behavior Analysts (BAs) in the State of Tennessee...".

Current offerings, with some pages in progress, are background information on the homepage, an FAQ page, consumer survey, links, news and events page, "what can you do", and contact page.

It is stated,
"There will be updates and time lines posted in the near future."

Please consult the site directly for its specific content and updates as they become available, and contact those handling the site and this initiative for further information and questions.


Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or SIG members and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed to their website,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LEG NEWS: Washington State: HB 1210 & SB 5203 Autism Insurance bills

**Update 3:45AM PST - Wednesday, January 20, 2010 is listed on the capitol calendar as Autism Awareness Day, 11:30 am. to 1 p.m., on the Washington State Capitol Rotunda’s third floor.**
On January 11, 2010, as reported on the Washington State legislative website,
and the companion bill
also known as Shayan's Law, have by resolution been reintroduced and retained in the present status in the Washington Legislature, and are currently in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness, and Senate Committee on Health & Long-Term Care.

The bills explicitly include applied behavior analysis among covered treatment modalities and while neither "behavior analyst" nor BACB certificant or competencies are explicitly stated within the bill text, an "autism services provider" is identified as person, entity, or group providing treatment for autism spectrum disorders pursuant to a treatment plan.

More information on the bills' progress will be posted as it becomes available.

For more information

Washington Autism Advocacy on Shayan's Law

Autism Votes - Washington State

Washington State Legislature

Archived news story
Popular autism treatment often goes uncovered
By DEBBIE CAFAZZO, The News Tribune
Story Published: Oct 12, 2008 at 3:15 PM PST
Story Updated: Nov 21, 2008 at 2:45 AM PST


Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or SIG members and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed to their website,

LEG NEWS: Missouri Autism Insurance bills heard in committee on Tuesday, January 19, 2010

**Update 3: 1/21/2010**
Some video from Missouri news further discussing the legislation, and applied behavior analysis in particular,

By KSPR News
Story Created: Jan 19, 2010 at 4:51 PM CST; Story Updated: Jan 20, 2010 at 10:12 PM CST
There may be a brief Ad before video starts

Update 2: 1/19/10 11:40PM PST:
News story updates on the hearings conducted January 19.**

Capitol hears testimony for autism bill
By Kermit Miller
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:39 p.m.

Missouri lawmakers start debate on requiring coverage for autism spectrum disorders
The Star’s Jefferson City correspondent
Posted on Tue, Jan. 19, 2010 10:35 PM

Autism coverage gains momentum in Missouri Legislature
By Virginia Young

**Update 1: Article giving quick summary of HB 1311 and SB 618 added under "For More Information"**

Autism Votes has a posting that two Missouri autism insurance reform bills including coverage of applied behavior analysis and Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB) certificants, were heard today in committee hearings.

For more information

Autism Votes Missouri

Legislative links page for the Missouri Association for Behavior Analysis (MOABA)
Note: the current legislation listed is the mandate bills from the previous 2009 session, but shows that MOABA has tracked these events in the past. This page also has a 2007 powerpoint of MOABA testimony about applied behavior analysis before Missouri's Blue Ribbon Panel on autism.

Missouri General Assemby

Friday, December 4, 2009
STATES: Missouri Prefiles Two Autism Insurance Reform Bills
Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG blog

01.18.2010 4:19 pm
Autism insurance gets early hearings in Mo. Legislature
By Virginia Young
Thanks to Corrine Donley, Ph.D. for pointing out this news item.


Views and news expressed in this blog or by the PIBA SIG are those of the SIG or SIG members and do not represent official policy of ABA International or other official body. For official policy of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, the reader is directed to their website,