**Update February 16, 2010 - The Missouri House
amended, perfected and passed HCS 1311 & 1341.
The House Journal for February 16 notes a number of amendments, some of which affect the portions of the bill referring to the practice of behavior analysis; the bill as perfected and passed will be posted when available from the legislative website
Missouri General Assembly is currently entertaining two bills
previously reported on in this blog that would affect the practice and reimbursement of the practice of behavior analysis in Missouri, and the legislative website indicates that action on these could be happening as early as
the beginning of this coming week,
Senate Substitute (SS)/SB.618 : Requires health carriers to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders under certain conditions.
Bill History
SS/SB. 618 is scheduled for a
third reading in the Missouri Senate on February 15, 2010. It is stated on the
Senate main page that the Senate will convene at 4:00PM.
SS/SB. 618 provides coverage under the age of 21 for applied behavior analysis, with such payments or reimbursements shall be made to either an "autism provider", the person who is supervising an autism service provider, who is certified as a board certified behavior analyst by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board; or the entity or group for whom such supervising person works or is associated.
SS/SB. 618 defines applied behavior analysis, and includes applied behavior analysis in the coverage category of "habilitative or rehabilitative care". It specifies an "Autism service provider" as 'any person, entity, or group that provides diagnostic or treatment services for autism spectrum disorders who is licensed or certified by the state of Missouri; any person who is certified as a board certified behavior analyst by the behavior analyst certification board; or any person, if not licensed or certified, who is supervised by a person who is certified as a board certified behavioral analyst by the Behavioral Analyst Certification Board, whether such board certified behavioral analyst supervises as an individual or as an employee of or in association with an entity or group'..."
full text of SS/SB, 618 for all definitions and conditions.
House Committee Substitute (HCS) HB 1311 & 1341 -- Insurance Coverage for Pervasive Developmental Disorders
The Missouri House of Representatives reports that HCS HB 1311 & 1341 was reported favorably out of the Rules Committee on February 8, 2010 with a "do pass" recommendation and is shown on the
House Bill Calendar for February 15, 2010 for "Perfection".
House Committee Substitute (HCS) for HB 1311 & 1341 Handler: Scharnhorst (093)
A significant inclusion in HCS HB 1311 & 1341 is creation of a "Behavior Analyst Advisory Board",
the inclusion of a licensure provision for Licensed Behavior Analysts, Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst, and definition of a "PDD Service Provider" as a Licensed Behavior Analyst, and "Line Therapist" as a person supervised by a Licensed Behavior Analyst.
HCS HB 1311 & 1341 defines applied behavior analysis and the practice of applied behavior analysis.
It would create a "Behavior Analyst Advisory Board...under the state
committee of psychologists within the division of professional registration. Appointments to this Advisory Board would be made by the Governor upon the recommendations of the director of the division, upon the advice and consent of the senate.
The division, prior to submitting nominations, shall solicit nominees from professional associations and licensed behavior analysts or licensed assistant behavior analysts in the state.
The Behavior Analyst Advisory Board shall consist of the following seven members:
- three licensed behavior analysts,
- one licensed behavior analyst holding a doctoral degree,
- one licensed assistant behavior analyst,
- one professional member of the committee, and
- one public member."
Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) is stated explicitly as a certifying entity, although there is provision for an "equivalent nationally accredited nongovernmental agency approved by the committee [of psychologists] which certifies individuals who have completed academic, examination, training, and supervision requirements in applied behavior analysis;"
Authority, duties, term of service, scope of practice and other specifics are found within the
full text of HCS HB 1311 & 1341.
HB 1311 & 1341 also addresses insurance coverage for diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders; defining applied behavior analysis, including it under the category of "habilitative or rehabilitative care", defines a "PDD service provider" as a licensed behavior analyst/LBA and would authorize payment for applied behavior analysis services to a "PDD service provider".
Coverage would extend through age 21 with differential coverage for children through age 9 and a lower amount through 21.
summary and
full text of HCS HB 1311 &1341 for specifics of coverage, implementation and exclusions.
FULL SUMMARY with description of testimony and statements by opponents and proponents.
Among those testifying for the bill were Lorri Unumb, Autism Speaks; Representative Dennis O'Brien, Pennsylvania House of Representatives; Colin Peeler, Ph.D., BCBA, Ronald Ekstrand, Jr.,John M. Guercio, Ph.D., BCBA, CBIST, Missouri Association for Behavior Analysis.
Missouri General Assembly
Missouri Association for Behavior Analysis/MOABA
Autism Votes - Missouri
Show Me Autism Coverage Now
Possible Insurance Coverage for Autism Treatment
Published: Friday, February 12, 2010 at 4:29 PM
Last Updated: Friday, February 12, 2010 at 8:05 PM
Previous Blog Posts
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
LEG. NEWS: Missouri autism insurance bills progress in General Assembly with amendments
Friday, January 29, 2010
LEG. NEWS: Missouri SB 618 autism insurance bill goes to Senate floor on February 1, 2010 for "Perfection"
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
LEG NEWS: Missouri SB 618 unanimously passed in Senate Committee, HB 1311 under scrutiny in House Committee
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
LEG NEWS: Missouri Autism Insurance bills heard in committee on Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, December 4, 2009
STATES: Missouri Prefiles Two Autism Insurance Reform Bills
© 2010 Regina G. Claypool-Frey
Disclaimer: This blog publishes news and announcements only as a service to interested persons, the posts are the responsibility of the individual author, and unless otherwise noted do not constitute nor claim to represent the official position of ABA International, its officers or associated entities. This blog makes no representation as to the accuracy of the report and readers are strongly encouraged to consult and reference the primary sources noted.