A 1/21/10 blogpost on the Virginia measures has been updated to reflect the current slate of autism insurance bills : HB 34, HB 303 , SB 434 and SB 649
The bills stated to be receiving committee consideration this week are
- SB 649 - Monday February 1, 2010, Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor, Senate Room B, General Assembly Building - 1/2 hour after adjournment. [note: SB 649 has been listed on the Committee docket for February 1, but this committee does not seem to issue an agenda as the House Committee does].
- HB 34, HB 303 - Tuesday February 2, 2010, House Committee on Commerce and Labor Subcommittee #1: immediately upon adjournment of full committee House Room D, General Assembly Building. Note: full committee meets 1/2 hour after adjournment/12:30PM.
Subcommittee agendas.
Past posts on Virginia's autism insurance bills
Thursday, January 21, 2010
LEG NEWS: Updated list of Virginia autism insurance bills - Virginia HB 34, HB 303, SB 464 , and SB 649
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Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG
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