Missouri SB 618, the Senate autism insurance bill (a similar bill is House bill HB 1311) has a scheduled date of Monday, February 1, 2010 on the Missouri Senate Calendar for "Perfection".
Missouri Senate Calendar
1. SB 618-Rupp, et al
Requires health carriers to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders under certain conditions
(In considering the "Perfection" process, bear in mind that SB 618 was unanimously voted out of committee with a do-pass as is recommendation.)
Perfection of a bill
"If a bill is reported favorably out of committee or a substitute is recommended, it is placed on the "perfection calendar" and when its turn comes up for consideration it is debated on the floor of the originating house. If a substitute is recommended by the committee or if committee amendments are attached to the bill, they are first presented, debated and voted upon. Further amendments can then be proposed by other members with their changes designated as House or Senate amendments to differentiate from the committee amendments. When all amendments have been considered, a motion is made to declare the bill perfected. Perfection is usually voted on a voice vote but on the request of five members, a roll call shall be taken. If a majority of members vote to perfect, the bill is reprinted in its original or amended form."
For further information on the legislative progression in Missouri, see
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Past blog posts on Missouri SB 618
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
LEG NEWS: Missouri SB 618 unanimously passed in Senate Committee, HB 1311 under scrutiny in House Committee
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